For starters, how can a guy be married to a girl and not love her? Well, okay that's an easy one to answer. Let's try for a harder question: how can a guy be married to a girl who would do anything (and does anything) for him and still not appreciate her? He still wants something else from her or something else in general. She either works full time, goes to school full time, takes care of his kid(s), cleans his/her/their house, cooks dinner every night, maybe makes sure she always looks put together when he gets home...yet something isn't enough for him. Something just isn't cutting it. He's just not happy. She can wait on him hand and foot, and do everything in her power to make him happy, but he won't have it.
[[And for the record, this wasn't brought on by any one thing or person...this is multiple things and multiple people and situations. I've just been thinking about it for awhile, so before you tell me something about this blog, please keep that in mind. :)]]
Cheating. I'll never understand cheating. No matter which way the cookie crumbles, it crumbles to spell out S T U P I D M O V E. There's no excuse for it. If you don't want to be with someone, don't be with them. You don't have to betray them and make them feel like crap just so you can have your cake and eat it too.
...honestly, I don't want to know what you're doing with your cake, just pick one flavor and stick with it. That's the end of that rant.
Men thinking women are just good for housework too. That just gets under my skin. Women are NOT just housewives...and even housewives should be respected. Most people think being a stay at home mom isn't a job. It is. Does anyone ever really understand how MUCH you have to do?
Here's my schedule...(granted, I don't always follow it to a T, but just to give you an idea...)
Usually I go to bed around 12 or so because Kealan usually wakes up around then for a diaper change, to play a little, eat then go back to sleep. I wake up again at 4. I wake up again at 7. SOMETIMES...on very rare occasions she'll go back to sleep until 9...and so do I if Ireland sleeps that late which doesn't happen too often.
After that I get Ireland and Kealan up and changed and get breakfast made for Ireland. I get Kealan a bottle and feed her. After that I fix me some breakfast and scarf it down because I know once I get comfortable and start to enjoy my food, Ireland will be done and/or tired of her food and want to run around.
So, I let her down and clean her food up. She plays while I clean. And I clean the kitchen, but when I'm unloading the dishwasher, she's taking stuff out and taking them around the house. I take the thing she stole from the dishwasher from her and she's already back in the kitchen closing the dishwasher and turning it back on. This is an endless cycle for about...say...30 minutes or so. Yes, it takes that long to do this with her going back and forth. Half of the time the dishwasher doesn't even do it's job so I'm left washing dishes by hand. JOY. That's even more fun with a toddler and an infant who looooves mommy's attention.
By the time I'm done with the kitchen, Hurricane Ireland has traveled east towards the living room and tore that to pieces. I have to hurry up and pick up her toys before I can vaccum. Ohhh and vaccumming is great when she's terrified of it. ;( So I have to stop and comfort her and make sure she understands the big bad machine isn't going to get her. By this time, Kealan wants to be rocked to sleep. I do that. Back to cleaning. I get maybe the living room decent looking and it's lunch time.
It's the same method as breakfast. Fix her food, scarf mine down, let her down, clean it up. Now I put her down for a nap. This is when I get all my appointments made, pictures edited, unpacking done, and cleaning. Not to mention, getting dolled up for my husband so when he comes home I'm not a hot mess. Yeahhh, I'm good like that.
Anyway, then Kealan is in a playful mood so I stop what I'm doing and play with her. About 45 minutes later she goes to sleep. Ireland wakes up right at that second so I have to get her up and attempt to clean the mess in her room up. Not happening. She wants a snack.
So I make her a snack.
Then we play outside or somewhere inside for a bit until she gets tired of me and wants to do her own thing.
So by the time this is all over, my husband is home and it's time to cook supper.
I cook supper, we eat.
Then it's bath and bed time.
THEN I get to sit down for probably the first time all day.
THEN I get to relax.
Then...I have to go to bed so I can do this all over again.
So, yeah, it's a job. The only difference don't get to come home from work. Home is work. You can't get a break because there's always something to be done.
And I'm not complaining. I LOVE my job. Sometimes, in my situation and others it's just nice to be REALLY appreciated. Not for people to think you have it easy and that you do nothing or you're someone's maid, chef, exec. I'm a stay at home mom. That's my job. I love it. Sometimes, it's just nice to hear someone say "GOOD job."
And for people complaining that they don't get to go out or anything because they have kids. Seriously. Get over it. It's NOT about you. It bothers me that some people take their kids out late to hang with THEIR friends even when their kids don't want to be there. It's NOT about you anymore. I've been known to hang out with my husband and Ireland (when Kealan is away) on River Street pretty late, but it's not someone's house where there is drinking. AND she's not tired or sick or anything. She's enjoying it. The second she's not okay with it, is the second I'm not either.
There are so many people out there that would give the world to have a kid, and you're complaining about it? I don't get that.
There are so many people out there that want a man/woman to love them with everything they have, and that's not good enough for you?
There are so many people out there that want a house...a freaking cardboard box to put over their head at night, and you're complaining that your house is too small?
There are so many people out there without jobs and you're going to complain about how you hate yours?
There are so many people out there without their husbands, wives, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mommies and daddies, and you're complaining that you need some "space" from yours?
I don't know. Things like that have been getting to me lately. I don't know why people can't just be HAPPY with what they have anymore. It's like everyone always wants more. There's no such thing as happy anymore.
There's only "it's not good enough, i want more" these days.
GGREAT post! I agree 100%! & by the way, you're a wonderful mommy & wife & I dont even know you personally, but I can tell ( :