Monday, January 3, 2011

If you ever wonder how a girl survives; just look at who's always by her side.

I've had the absolute worst week I've had in a long time. At times, I felt like my entire world was falling apart. As hard as it was to get through each hour of the past few days, I wouldn't change a thing. It's not only opened my eyes, but my husband's eyes about so much and I honestly think everything that happened was for the better. I'm not going to get into anything that happened; and I will just say that no one did anyone wrong. I'm so happy right now - and not a "ridiculously happy and it will fade by tomorrow" happy...but a real, content with my life and how things are going happy.

I wouldn't have gotten through the past few days without a few certain people; and I'm forever appreciative to them. Of course my amazing mama, daddy, and sister for always being there for me and not judging and loving me unconditionally. They always want whats best for me and they're always there if I need someone to talk to. Even though I didn't talk to him about it, my brother in law is also included on this. He's pretty awesome too. :)

Chelsie Bridges - you are the most amazing person I've met in a really long time. I don't know where I would be without you. You always talk about how I'm always there for you and how you don't know what you would do without me - how I'm such a great friend. I don't think you realize that I feel the same way about you and to what extent. You are like my twin. You are the only person that GETS where I'm coming from 100%. You never judge me. You never force your opinion on me. You always talk me through things; you never tell me what to do. I've bothered you so many times with the same old story and you never tell me to shut up or get over it. You always listen and you always offer advice or just a shoulder to cry on or rant to. I'm not afraid to tell you anything; and I've never had that in a friend before - ever. I'm glad that it was in God's plan for me to meet you. You've definitely brightened up my life; and no matter what I will always care for you and appreciate everything you've done for me; and I will always continue to be there for you throughout anything and everything!

Kara Bates - You opened up your home to me and you made me feel so at ease. I didn't feel weird being there at all. You and your husband and son are amazing. I appreciate you so much for everything you've done. I'm so sad that I'm moving right when I'm starting to get to know you guys; you especially. We're so much alike and you're such a sweet person. I hate that our timing sucks so much! You barely know me and you were willing to bend over backwards to help me, and you'll never know how much that means to me! I'm in a town where I know next to no one and you took me under your wing. I will always be thankful for that; it means a lot to me and it says so much about you and your family. You're amazing, and I mean that!

Casey Blitch - You're always the girl I go to when I need someone to rant to about men, haha! You totally get my situation and you have experience and strength where I don't. Your advice is always important to me and I love our talks. You and I should have hung out a lot more. Hopefully you guys will end up in Beaufort and I'll get more crazy photographer days! I love your honesty and I love how you support me no matter what I decide. It counts for a lot and your opinion on things really does matter to me. I'm very thankful to have you as a friend. :)

Delese Garrett - I have only recently hung out with you. I did a photoshoot for you; then we went out for New Years and then you stayed with us while you're going through a tough situation. All I have to say is you're awesome. You've helped me so much this past week. You've been through so much and you have talked me through a lot. You may not realize it, but you talking to me calmed me down at the points I was going crazy with worry. You don't sugarcoat anything. You don't just say I'm right because I'm a friend; you tell me the truth. That is something I value more than anything, and the fact that you possess that quality is amazing. I'm still in shock at how much younger than me you are. You're so mature and you're such a great mother - you're such a nice person. You do things for people that most people wouldn't. You're so funny; you seriously made me forget about the bad parts I've had to day. I LOVE your sense of humor. You're probably one of the easiest people to be around. I'm so glad that I met you; you're definitely a great addition to my "friends"! :)

Wendy Wells - Girl, you are hilarious. You and I have never met, but I feel like I can tell you anything. You always make me laugh and you always have a funny spin on things; even when it's serious, and I adore that. You have been in my shoes; and if it wasn't partly for you I would have never gotten the guts to do anything I did in the past week. I can't wait to meet you and get to know you in real life instead of via BBM :) haha.




Jonathan Hill (aka, the Husband :D ) - I wouldn't change a second of the past week. I feel like everything is finally falling back into place. You've made me feel so amazing lately and you've proven a lot to me in such a short period of time. I love you so much, and it's nice to know that you've got my back regardless of what happens. It's nice to know that when I'm upset you're still there to hold me and comfort me. I'm very lucky to have you; and I know I don't tell you nearly enough how amazing you are and how much I appreciate everything you do for me and for our daughters. You're one of a kind. There aren't many, if any, guys out there like you, who care like you do and love their family like you do. There aren't that many, if any guys who show their wives that they love them everyday; who tell their wives they are beautiful EVERY day and they love them EVERY day. There aren't many guys who come home from work and even if the wife doesn't have the entire house museum clean; but just the dishes done he says the house looks amazing. There aren't many who see their wife without makeup and in dirty sweats and a t-shirt and say you're beautiful and MEAN it. There aren't many, if any guys who are like you at all. I'm lucky to have you. I'm SO lucky to have you. Yes, you drive me insane and sometimes I want nothing more than to just NOT like you at that moment; but God knows I'd be a mess without you. You are my life. You gave me my life; you gave me the two most beautiful little girls in the entire world and just for that and the fact that you love me - you deserve everything good in the world. I love you with everything I have and that will never change; no matter how hard this journey gets; I will always be by your side and I will always love you whole-heartedly. Nothing in the world can or will ever change the way I feel about you. That's a promise.

Friends quote. Pictures, Images and Photos

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