Saturday, August 27, 2011

my first blog in, oh,well...a century.

Blogging makes me sleepy.

I think it's because it gets all of my rants and thoughts out before I go to bed; therefore I'm not up until the crack of dawn trying to get to sleep.

Yawning, as I type, I'm annoyed by the same thing my facebook status mentions. Good people. Well, I'm not annoyed by the good people. I'm annoyed by the skeezy people. You know, the people who think they're God's gift to the world, but really are a devil in disguise. "Snake with blue eyes" as Carrie Underwood puts it. Have I ever mentioned I do NOT like Carrie Underwood?


Where the heck have all of the GOOD people gone? Are they hiding somewhere? Have they all decided to just hide out because the bad people are just outnumbering them so? It seems like nearly everyone I meet makes me cringe. Okay, there are a few good people out there, and I'm blessed to know you. So, don't feel like I'm talking about anyone in particular. (Okay, maybe I am...but you would know if it were you.)

For starters, why do you have to cuss all of the time? Yes, I have been guilty of saying those words too; BUT there are other words. You don't have to drop the f-Bomb every other word. Especially around my kids. You drop that, and I'll drop kick you. Kapeesh? Or, let's see, drinking. That's why we live in the SOUTH. They make this amazzzzzzing concoction called sweet tea. To put everything else in your life ON HOLD and on the back burner so you can have an outrageous number of beers with your friends? Really? Or how about, you want to give up all of your responsibilities in life so you can party it away? Yeah, sure, it may be fun to party, but personally I'll take Nick Jr at 12 am than getting drunk and hooking up with some random person or embarrassing myself. It's totally different if you are single and/or don't have kids. But if any of that is NOT true. DUDE HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOURSELF IF NOT ANYONE ELSE!

Guys. Guyyyyys, guys, guys. Never say you're not like "every other guy". When you say means you are. How about for once you let the girl decide if you are or not. Like I told a good friend of mine recently: "Guys like him say they're guys like you; but in reality, they're just guys like him...and they screw things up for guys like you." If that makes sense to anyone else other than me. I tend to ramble meaninglessly sometimes. I mean, if you want to cheat, then why not just BREAK UP with the chick? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

At least not with me.
You try that crap and I won't let you have anymore cake.

And people who cover for people who do horrible things. Sorry, I can't do that. If you're my own sister and you're cheating on someone or lying to someone who LOVES NOT lean on me to cover for you. Just getting that out there. I am NOT a liar. I am NOT a bad person and I will NOT condone actions like that...E V E R.

I've given up on good people. I guess that's why when I run into one, it's such a pleasant surprise. No one has respect for themselves anymore. Girls think dressing like a skank is amazing. Yes, if you have a nice body, flaunt it...but there are limits and places to do that and place NOT to. And to act STUPID for attention. There's already ONE snooki and paris hilton in the world.


I'm not saying that because people think they're super hot and I'm jealous. I'm not jealous. I don't care how many tanning beds they lay in, how big their boobs are, how blonde their hair is, or perfect their smile is...stupid just is not cute to me...neither is being a skank. Call me old fashioned, but I think being smart and classy is sexy. That is cute. Having people like you for YOU and not because of what you're showing them or because you're dumbing yourself down is a bigger compliment.

My rant is getting super long.
And like I said, it's making me super tired.
And I'm overusing the word I'm crashing.

Hope you enjoyed my first blog in a century. ;)

---> Me :)

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