Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I am definitely counting down the days left of this semester. How in the world I have made it over seven weeks getting up at 6 A.M. for math is beyond me. How in the world I am passing that class with a very, very, very high "A" is even further beyond me. However, good news, I get to sleep in on Monday since our oh-so-awesome teacher decided we needed a break for Halloween.


Have I mentioned how much I absolutely adore coming home from class to see my daughters at the door smiling, giggling, and calling my name. Not to mention it's followed by a group hug and Kealan saying "Mommy!" while Ireland says "Mama! You're HOME!" I just love that. I just love them. I just love being a mommy. There's nothing in the world like it. It's funny because looking back before I had kids and got married, I was happy. However, I wasn't as happy as I am now. Yes, I have more responsibility and a hell of a lot less sleep. However, I'm happier. Nothing in the world compares to being a mom. Nothing in the world compares to having two little angels that love you that much - and whom you love just as much.

I still can't believe how much they're growing up too. Ugh! It makes me want to find a way to bottle up time and keep them this small forever. I'm taking it all in. I know one day I'll be old and white-haired and they'll be taking care of me. They'll be old enough to do their own thing and have their own lives. I know it will come way too fast. So, I'm enjoying this time where I can hold them in my arms, spoil them with everything, and teach them so much.

Nap time today = awesome! I got to snuggle with both of my girls. However, my amazing dream of me marrying Johnny Depp was interrupted by Kealan sticking her finger halfway up my nose. The smile on her face when I woke up made the...awkwardness...well worth it.

I got to see, and hold, me some Blaze today too. Not to mention I got to have some gossip time with his mommy. And I got to show off Ireland's best trick: when you light a candle she sings happy birthday to herself and blows it out. However, today she told ME happy birthday. Maybe she understands my birthday is next. :)

I've also decided to switch my office into Kealan's room. The reason behind this is because, I'm just tired of trying to keep my two-year-old out of her sister's crib. Yes. The monkey climbs the side of the crib. I'm afraid she's going to smother the poor thing.

Not joking.
When she pulls herself over the side, it's like...a brutal fall.

So, being the super awesome super single mommy that I am: I moved her crib tonight. It's step one of many, but I did. Well, thing is I couldn't get the side pieces to come off. So, I had to lug the thing out of her room, twist and turn, and contort it in every way possible to squeeze it out of the doorway. I didn't think it through. Our hallway is the size of a spaghetti noodle. Or, at least it felt that way with a huge crib in it and me nearly pinned against the wall.

After I snapped the sides off...or what I thought was me figuring out how to snap the sides off...I realized I just broke it. Like, literally pulled the screw out of where it should have been. At this point, I'm standing in the middle of the I have to CRAWL UNDERNEATH IT....get a butterknife because I can't find a drill...and crawl back underneath it...just to find out...nothing can be done in the hallway. So after more twisting and contorting the dang thing I finally get it into her "new room". About fourty minutes later, I fix everything and finally get her bed made.

Poor girl is staring at me like, "Really mama? It took you THAT long to move my bed five feet?"

Oh, the joys of mommyhood. Did I forget to mention after I dressed Kealan for bed and laid her down, I walked to the living room to see Ireland had taken everything out of my wallet as well as everything out of my purse. Tore up a diaper, taken off the pull up that she had on. Oh, and the part I skipped: she decided to pee in the middle of the living room.

I do not know.
That's just my child.
That's what she wanted to do.

And was I mad? A little bit. What did I do?


Yes. I laughed.
I couldn't get onto her.

So, after cleaning THAT up, we went to the playroom where we watched Dora. Two seconds later, her freaking pull ups were off again.

I am raising a nudist.

She was so excited to sleep in HER own room tonight too. Of course it had to be a compromise. She would lay down if I turned on The Lion King. I love that movie, but I don't think I can watch it for awhile. 19820985105 times is a little much. I promise you. It hasn't left the DVD player of my car or the blu ray of the house since I bought it when it came out.

Ten minutes after she laid down, I go back to check on her and she's passed out.
Gotta love the stubborn-ness of a two year old.
"I'm not tired mommy!" *passes out*

Well, that was my adventure(s) for the day. Now, I'm going to enjoy some grown-up TV and junk food. :)

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